domingo, 25 de abril de 2010

baibaba bimba

Published by . at 10:16 AM

Chuva + Tókio + Blogoteque + Tenniscoats = Alegria Inusitada

"It seems like a fairly common dream. I have it often enough, anyway: dreams where I’m not exactly flying, but where I feel light, where each of my steps takes me two or three metres further than usual, like walking on the moon. We lived this dream on earth, in a faraway country, for a few minutes, thanks to two musicians (...) A hideous neighbourhood on a rainy day. It’s still our best memory of Japan." [fragmentos do relato de chryde - la blogoteque]


1 comentários:

a coleta disse...

nossa adorei, que lindos.
fazia tempo que não entrava no lablogoteque, boa lembrança.

beijo garotas
e toda a sorte!


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